The Concept

It is universally acknowledged that the greatest missing resource in Nigeria is good, values-driven leadership. The best way to address this is to inculcate correct leadership values in young people, rather than trying to re-orientate adults.  The camp would expose the participants to the values and principles necessary for responsible & accountable leadership. The campers would also receive training in some relevant life skills including ICT & Home Science. Values to be imparted would include, Self Esteem, Honesty & Integrity, Servanthood, Accountability, Passion, etc. These values are indispensable for next generation of Nigerian leaders. A great leader cares about others and serves them. A leader’s influence is derived from empowering others.
The Programme
  • 5 day residential Leadership Training camp.
  • To sow the seeds of correct leadership values in 12 – 17 year old boys & girls ( Tomorrow’s Leaders).
  • Featuring Experiential Education: Learning through direct experience & interaction with environment & content.

The Proposal

Offering a variety of exciting indoor and outdoor activities. Activities to excite, inspire, strengthen and edify both body and mind.

Courses  would include:

  • Leadership & Citizenship with career guidance counselling & motivational classes.
  • ICT Training.
  • Home Science & Etiquette classes.
  • Mad Science: A new exciting, engaging and highly interactive science experience for kids.
  • Sports: Both familiar & new.
  • Music & Dance.
  • Arts & Crafts.

All the classes are taught with the aim of igniting their interest and exciting their imagination.

Train the Trainer’s Camp

We also have  an upcoming developmental Train the Trainers Camp ( TTTC). This is to equip 14 – 17 year old boys and girls with the requisite, vital leadership & mentoring skills that would transform them into exemplary future leaders, capable of replicating themselves.


  • Leadership Training
  • Mentoring Training
  • ICT Training for Cisco Certification
  • Entrepreneurial  Training
  • Emotional Intelligence Classes
  • Home Science & Etiquette
  • Public Speaking

Value Proposition

The goal of the camp is to sow the seeds of the right kind of leadership values in the hearts and minds of the participants, using  effective techniques, in a fun and conducive environment.

Train the TrainersThe same group of kids could be returned yearly for training using structured incremental course modules. They would also be engaged in post-camp projects /exercises for sustainability and their progress charted over the years. They could then be used as peer educators and mentors.

Why Camp for Kids?

Kids/Teens gain many benefits from going to camp including:

  • Learning of new skills in a conducive, nurturing environment.
  • Make new friends and acquire new positive  influences.
  • To challenge & push themselves beyond comfort zones.
Benefit of Camp
  • To strengthen known talents & abilities and discover new ones.
  • To get healthy exercise and fresh air.
  • To learn Creativity.
  • To grow in resilience & independence.
  • To develop a world class youth camp, the first of its kind in West Africa.
  • Providing a conducive environment for youths from 7 – 17 years to play, learn and grow.
  • Seasoned, expert, passionate & dedicated facilitators that  are  Human Development Specialists.
Why Camp at NEYOCA?
  • Modern, brand new, spacious and well equipped classrooms & laboratories.
  • Large, brand new, well furnished 90 room hostel accommodation.
  • State of the Art Virtual library with first class educational websites.
  • Uninterrupted power supply.
  • Expansive land  for sports and recreation.
  • New friends, New experiences & Permanent memories.

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