NEYOCA which in full is the New Era Youth Camp held a five day leadership youth camp that was organized for children within the age bracket of five to seventeen by the New Era Foundation, the theme being, ‘Are you the next Leader?’
I arrived at the camp on Monday the 12th of September by some minutes past 12noon with some other students and two co-coordinators from the same local government as I. We were registered and allocated rooms, platoons named after animals (mine was the lion platoon) and other necessities. After that we joined the ongoing general class at the cafeteria. Since then, it was a chain of interesting activities. After the general class, we had lunch and then all campers were required to register for classes, some of the classes are; ICT (Information Communication Technology),Home Science, Math Explorer, Leadership, Mad Science, Music and most interesting of all the dance class and that is just to name a few. Some of these classes commenced immediately after lunch. Dinner was served by 8.30pm. Oh! And I must say, the cuisine was excellent, thanks to the wonderful caterers. We always had dance class after dinner and we learnt to dance the waltz, salsa and hip hop. After the dance class, we would go have our evening baths and prepare for lights out which was by 11.00pm.
The next day, we would be awakened by the screams of two loud sirens by 5.30am, come out for the morning assembly with Muslims going to pray separately. All campers would then change into sportswear for an early morning workout and aerobics after which we would then see to morning business and having our baths. Breakfast would be served by 9.15am and morning classes would then bee in session. In the afternoons either before or after lunch, we would play out on the field because as they say, ‘all work and no play make jack a dull boy’ and the purpose of NEYOCA is for us to play, learn and grow!
Last night was my final night here and there was a bonfire a party. Today we will have the presentations from all classes. I can’t wait, but I am also sad because we be leaving today. But I must say that my experience here has been pleasant, memorable and very wonderful. It is an experience I look forward to having again. I will remember all that I have learnt, the new friends I have made and every memory will be a treasure to me.
– Chika Okeke.
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